Sunday, October 11, 2015

Industrial Visit to Gardenia Report - activties 2014

Industrial Visit to Gardenia Report

Date                            : 3th September 2014

Venue                          : Gardenia Factory

Time                            : 7.45 a.m until 11.30 a.m

Person in charge          : 1) Teacher Amira
                                      2) Teacher Hawa
                                      3) Teacher Fatin Nabihah

Attendence                 : 1) Daeng Luthfi Thaqief
                                      2) Adib Aiman
                                      3) Zhafif
                                      4) Zharif
                                      5) Nur Ariissa
                                      6) Aisy Aleesa
                                      7) Nusaibah
                                      8) Qaseh
                                      9) Alia Batrisya

Objective                     : -To give them their first-hand experience.
                                      - To develop their social communication among peers.
                                      - To enrich their sense and understanding of their environments.

            On 5th September 2014, children of PJKKMPK went to Gardenia factory. We leaving from kindergarten at 8.00 a.m. and arrived at 8.45 a.m. We’ve been guide by staff of Gardenia, she brought us to their multimedia room. We watched about history of wheat and also how bread been made, then they showed how Gardenia made their own bread and deliver to whole Malaysia. After that, we went to the place where they process the bread. She explained in detail how the process been done. Then, she brought us to Gardenia cafeteria and served us food and drink. Before we leave, we got gift from Gardenia. 

Outcome   : - Children really excited during the industrial visit especially when they enter the processes place.
                     - Children become closer among peers and teachers.

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